Empowering Teens: An Interview with Priscilla Steinmetz, Founder & Executive Director of The Bridge Teen Center

Being a teen in today's world is harder than ever. From the stress of friends, school and trying to figure out who they are and forging their own path, teens are faced with many hurdles. Luckily, teens have a wonderful community resource where they will find not just incredible programs for all interests, but also support, confidence and a sense of community. Want to learn more about The Bridge Teen Center? Continue reading on to learn more about this incredible organization from it's Founder and Executive Director, Priscilla Steinmetz.


How did the idea for The Bridge Teen Center begin?

It started in September of 2005. I was invited to a community luncheon where a local superintendent asked a group of local leaders for help. What he said next became the catalyst for the vision of The Bridge Teen Center. He said, “We are losing our young people. Students come in freshman year wanting to be the next big thing but by the end of the year we see no hope, purpose or direction in their lives. We need your help!”  Being a person of faith and having worked with teens most of my life I wondered what I could do. After a “life flashing before my eyes” moment I began to put pen to paper. I went to my husband and told him “I have an idea”. Soon after we started the paperwork to form a nonprofit organization with the mission of helping suburban teens. We took the next several years laying the foundation of the organization and raising money to establish a location. On June 5, 2010, The Bridge Teen Center opened its doors at 15555 S. 71st Court in Orland Park, Illinois and began serving suburban teens.

What kind of services do you provide to teens?

Every year we provide over 350+ FREE programs and events that challenge teens to discover new interests, navigate life and explore who they were created to be. Our programs are holistically designed (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually) around the interests and needs of our teens. They provide authentic connection to peers and adult mentors and provide opportunities for teens to explore potential interests and passions that could shape their futures. Program varieties include interactive STEM programs, art programs, music lessons, culinary programs, trade-focused programs, soul cafe programs, social hangout events and more. A list of upcoming programs can always be found on our website.

Every other Friday Night, The Bridge Teen Center hosts their
 infamous Friday night events from 7:30-10:30pm. These events provide teens a safe environment to blow off steam and have a social outlet after a long week. Each Friday night has a fun theme and typically includes live music or karaoke, free food samples from local restaurants, outdoor activities (weather permitting) and more. Advance sign up is not required for Friday night events, however, an approved student membership is required.  Like all Bridge programs, Friday night events are free of charge.

Lastly, The Bridge offers job readiness training opportunities
 through the organization's “Thriftastic” program that takes place year-round in partnership with our sister organization, The Bridge Thrift Store. “Thriftastic” students commit to a set weekly schedule and meet individually with Bridge staff for self evaluation using The Bridge’s proprietary curriculum. To become a part of this program, students complete an application, have an interview, and complete orientation/training (just like a real job) all before their first scheduled shift. Space is limited for this program. Students can learn more and apply on our website.  

Why did you decide to open The Bridge Teen Center in Orland Park?

As a nonprofit organization, we wanted to reside in an area with a strong business community and central location to teens in the southwest suburbs. After years of raising money and searching for a location, we decided on a vacant storefront in between an automotive repair shop and a thrift store in Orland Park, Illinois. Little did we know at that time that over the course of the first 10 years, we would eventually purchase the building, expand our teen center space from 2,400 sq ft to 9,600 sq ft  AND assume operations of the adjacent thrift store establishing our sister organization, The Bridge Thrift Store. Furthermore, we launched a job readiness program designed specifically for teens. Since opening our doors in 2010, we are so grateful to have served over 13,000+ different teens from over 128 area communities.

How can a teen come and attend programs at The Bridge Teen Center?

To attend the free programs and events at The Bridge, a teen must be a “student member”. As part of our eligibility requirements, a teen must currently be in 7th-12th grade, at least 12 years old and agree to our code of conduct.  The student membership application can be completed by the student and their parent/guardian on our website. It’s completely FREE!  Once completed and approved, it lasts until a student graduates high school. In the student’s “welcome email”, they will receive a username and password to our website and that’s how they can sign up for all our Tuesday-Thursday afterschool programs. Our Friday Night events do not require advance sign up.  

How have you seen The Bridge Teen Center impact teens’ mental and emotional well-being?

Absolutely! We have seen so many transformations over our 14+ year history as a result of our afterschool programs. Our programs broaden a student’s interests, helping them discover talents and interests they may not have discovered elsewhere. We have seen students light up with confidence after holding a welding torch for the first time. Believe it or not, students have discovered they “like to work” after going through our job readiness program. Students have overcome social anxieties and fear after singing karaoke in front of a crowd of students on a Friday night. Some other benefits of afterschool programs that we’ve seen include reduction in unhealthy behaviors, enhancement of self-image, improved wellness and improved social awareness.

What do you wish people knew about what The Bridge Teen Center offers and provides to the community?

First of all, The Bridge Teen Center is about being proactive instead of reactive. We recognize that all teens face trouble at some time in their life and need a support system to help them navigate through that. The team at The Bridge is trained to identify students that need immediate professional care and direct their parents/guardian to a care facility that meets whatever the need might be. Our staff is also trained to help direct students to programs at The Bridge that might help them through difficult situations.  

Secondly, all programs and events at The Bridge Teen Center are completely FREE! Sometimes when we are out in the community sharing The Bridge Teen Center, parents think there is some catch or hidden cost. All programs and events are FREE! The only thing we charge for at The Bridge Teen Center are snacks and beverages in our cafe to recover our costs. As a 501(C)(3) non profit organization that receives no ongoing or state  or federal funding, we rely on the support of our thrift store, foundations, companies and individuals in the community to keep our program offerings free to suburban teens. In fact, 91 cents of every dollar donated to The Bridge directly supports our free student programs. Lastly, we cannot stress enough that we could not do our mission at The Bridge without the support of the local communities. We are truly built for the community by the community.

If you had to describe The Bridge Teen Center in three words, what would they be and why?

The three words I would use to describe The Bridge would be hope, purpose and direction.

●HOPE: The Bridge meets students where they are at, and strives to build intentional and authentic relationships with them. We regularly hear from students who refer to The Bridge as their "second home", "safe place", or the place where they can simply be themselves. Given the mental health crisis among adolescents in our nation, this proactive approach is crucial to making teens feel welcomed and accepted.

●PURPOSE: From the moment the vision for The Bridge was conceived, doing things with purpose has been part of our core values. We value the students we serve, so we work hard at striking a balance between giving them what they want and what they need. Another interpretation of this stems from our desire for our students to believe that they were created for a purpose. This drives every facet of the mission of The Bridge.

●DIRECTION: We speak truth into the lives of the students we serve, and through our free programs and events, help them begin to discover who they were created to be. Since 2010, we have shaped the futures of many students by introducing them to new hobbies, career paths, skills and interests. In many cases, we hear from students who have pursued career paths because of skills they were introduced to at The Bridge. We have also successfully connected students to peers from other communities in an environment that encourages them to be their authentic selves.

How can people learn more about all the wonderful work The Teen Bridge Center does?

People can learn more about The Bridge Teen Center & The Bridge Thrift Store by visiting our website, thebridgeteencenter.org or calling 708.532.0500. Also, to see some photos and videos of recent programs and events “Like” and “Follow” us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok @thebridgetc and The Bridge Thrift Store @bridgethrift.  

Priscilla Steinmetz
Founder & Executive Director
The Bridge Teen Center

Click here for  Priscilla’s bio.

Being a teen in today's world is harder than ever. From the stress of friends, school and trying to figure out who they are and forging their own path, teens are faced with many hurdles. Luckily, teens have a wonderful community resource where they will find not just incredible programs for all interests, but also support, confidence and a sense of community. Want to learn more about The Bridge Teen Center? Continue reading on to learn more about this incredible organization from it's Founder and Executive Director, Priscilla Steinmetz.


How did the idea for The Bridge Teen Center begin?

It started in September of 2005. I was invited to a community luncheon where a local superintendent asked a group of local leaders for help. What he said next became the catalyst for the vision of The Bridge Teen Center. He said, “We are losing our young people. Students come in freshman year wanting to be the next big thing but by the end of the year we see no hope, purpose or direction in their lives. We need your help!”  Being a person of faith and having worked with teens most of my life I wondered what I could do. After a “life flashing before my eyes” moment I began to put pen to paper. I went to my husband and told him “I have an idea”. Soon after we started the paperwork to form a nonprofit organization with the mission of helping suburban teens. We took the next several years laying the foundation of the organization and raising money to establish a location. On June 5, 2010, The Bridge Teen Center opened its doors at 15555 S. 71st Court in Orland Park, Illinois and began serving suburban teens.

What kind of services do you provide to teens?

Every year we provide over 350+ FREE programs and events that challenge teens to discover new interests, navigate life and explore who they were created to be. Our programs are holistically designed (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually) around the interests and needs of our teens. They provide authentic connection to peers and adult mentors and provide opportunities for teens to explore potential interests and passions that could shape their futures. Program varieties include interactive STEM programs, art programs, music lessons, culinary programs, trade-focused programs, soul cafe programs, social hangout events and more. A list of upcoming programs can always be found on our website.

Every other Friday Night, The Bridge Teen Center hosts their
 infamous Friday night events from 7:30-10:30pm. These events provide teens a safe environment to blow off steam and have a social outlet after a long week. Each Friday night has a fun theme and typically includes live music or karaoke, free food samples from local restaurants, outdoor activities (weather permitting) and more. Advance sign up is not required for Friday night events, however, an approved student membership is required.  Like all Bridge programs, Friday night events are free of charge.

Lastly, The Bridge offers job readiness training opportunities
 through the organization's “Thriftastic” program that takes place year-round in partnership with our sister organization, The Bridge Thrift Store. “Thriftastic” students commit to a set weekly schedule and meet individually with Bridge staff for self evaluation using The Bridge’s proprietary curriculum. To become a part of this program, students complete an application, have an interview, and complete orientation/training (just like a real job) all before their first scheduled shift. Space is limited for this program. Students can learn more and apply on our website.  

Why did you decide to open The Bridge Teen Center in Orland Park?

As a nonprofit organization, we wanted to reside in an area with a strong business community and central location to teens in the southwest suburbs. After years of raising money and searching for a location, we decided on a vacant storefront in between an automotive repair shop and a thrift store in Orland Park, Illinois. Little did we know at that time that over the course of the first 10 years, we would eventually purchase the building, expand our teen center space from 2,400 sq ft to 9,600 sq ft  AND assume operations of the adjacent thrift store establishing our sister organization, The Bridge Thrift Store. Furthermore, we launched a job readiness program designed specifically for teens. Since opening our doors in 2010, we are so grateful to have served over 13,000+ different teens from over 128 area communities.

How can a teen come and attend programs at The Bridge Teen Center?

To attend the free programs and events at The Bridge, a teen must be a “student member”. As part of our eligibility requirements, a teen must currently be in 7th-12th grade, at least 12 years old and agree to our code of conduct.  The student membership application can be completed by the student and their parent/guardian on our website. It’s completely FREE!  Once completed and approved, it lasts until a student graduates high school. In the student’s “welcome email”, they will receive a username and password to our website and that’s how they can sign up for all our Tuesday-Thursday afterschool programs. Our Friday Night events do not require advance sign up.  

How have you seen The Bridge Teen Center impact teens’ mental and emotional well-being?

Absolutely! We have seen so many transformations over our 14+ year history as a result of our afterschool programs. Our programs broaden a student’s interests, helping them discover talents and interests they may not have discovered elsewhere. We have seen students light up with confidence after holding a welding torch for the first time. Believe it or not, students have discovered they “like to work” after going through our job readiness program. Students have overcome social anxieties and fear after singing karaoke in front of a crowd of students on a Friday night. Some other benefits of afterschool programs that we’ve seen include reduction in unhealthy behaviors, enhancement of self-image, improved wellness and improved social awareness.

What do you wish people knew about what The Bridge Teen Center offers and provides to the community?

First of all, The Bridge Teen Center is about being proactive instead of reactive. We recognize that all teens face trouble at some time in their life and need a support system to help them navigate through that. The team at The Bridge is trained to identify students that need immediate professional care and direct their parents/guardian to a care facility that meets whatever the need might be. Our staff is also trained to help direct students to programs at The Bridge that might help them through difficult situations.  

Secondly, all programs and events at The Bridge Teen Center are completely FREE! Sometimes when we are out in the community sharing The Bridge Teen Center, parents think there is some catch or hidden cost. All programs and events are FREE! The only thing we charge for at The Bridge Teen Center are snacks and beverages in our cafe to recover our costs. As a 501(C)(3) non profit organization that receives no ongoing or state  or federal funding, we rely on the support of our thrift store, foundations, companies and individuals in the community to keep our program offerings free to suburban teens. In fact, 91 cents of every dollar donated to The Bridge directly supports our free student programs. Lastly, we cannot stress enough that we could not do our mission at The Bridge without the support of the local communities. We are truly built for the community by the community.

If you had to describe The Bridge Teen Center in three words, what would they be and why?

The three words I would use to describe The Bridge would be hope, purpose and direction.

●HOPE: The Bridge meets students where they are at, and strives to build intentional and authentic relationships with them. We regularly hear from students who refer to The Bridge as their "second home", "safe place", or the place where they can simply be themselves. Given the mental health crisis among adolescents in our nation, this proactive approach is crucial to making teens feel welcomed and accepted.

●PURPOSE: From the moment the vision for The Bridge was conceived, doing things with purpose has been part of our core values. We value the students we serve, so we work hard at striking a balance between giving them what they want and what they need. Another interpretation of this stems from our desire for our students to believe that they were created for a purpose. This drives every facet of the mission of The Bridge.

●DIRECTION: We speak truth into the lives of the students we serve, and through our free programs and events, help them begin to discover who they were created to be. Since 2010, we have shaped the futures of many students by introducing them to new hobbies, career paths, skills and interests. In many cases, we hear from students who have pursued career paths because of skills they were introduced to at The Bridge. We have also successfully connected students to peers from other communities in an environment that encourages them to be their authentic selves.

How can people learn more about all the wonderful work The Teen Bridge Center does?

People can learn more about The Bridge Teen Center & The Bridge Thrift Store by visiting our website, thebridgeteencenter.org or calling 708.532.0500. Also, to see some photos and videos of recent programs and events “Like” and “Follow” us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok @thebridgetc and The Bridge Thrift Store @bridgethrift.  

Priscilla Steinmetz
Founder & Executive Director
The Bridge Teen Center

Click here for  Priscilla’s bio.

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